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"The Four-Leaf Clover, your good luck charm for Friday the 13th." 🍀

"Long considered a harbinger of bad luck, Friday the 13th has inspired a secret society from the late 19th century, a novel from the early 20th century, and several film franchises. Just like walking under a ladder, crossing paths with a black cat, or breaking a mirror, many people firmly believe that Friday the 13th brings bad luck. Although it is not exactly known when this particular tradition began, negative superstitions have swirled around the number 13 for centuries. Afraid that bad luck follows you? You can combat it in the same way and opt for the four-leaf clover, the symbol of universal luck. Whether one is a believer or superstitious, it doesn't matter, the symbol of the four-leaf clover is universally known as being attached to luck and success. And having one will do you no harm, on the contrary, it will help you move forward with a little more confidence. You won't find four-leaf clovers in every garden, but you have the possibility of finding them in the form of gifts. You can find them as keychains, in gift envelopes, and various accessories. They will be easily preservable and practical to carry with you. While Western cultures have historically associated the number 12 with completeness (there are 12 days of Christmas, 12 months and zodiac signs, 12 labors of Hercules, 12 gods of Olympus, and 12 tribes of Israel, to name a few examples), its successor 13 has a long history as a sign of bad luck. According to biblical tradition, 13 guests attended the Last Supper, held on Maundy Thursday, including Jesus and his 12 apostles (one of whom, Judas, betrayed him). The next day, of course, was Good Friday, the day of Jesus' crucifixion. It is believed that the seating arrangement at the Last Supper gave rise to a long-standing Christian superstition that having 13 guests at a table was bad luck, particularly courting death. Although the negative associations of Friday are weaker, some have suggested that they also have roots in Christian tradition: just as Jesus was crucified on a Friday, Friday was also the day Eve gave Adam the fateful apple from the tree of knowledge, as well as the day Cain killed his brother Abel."

"Friday the 13th, good luck charm, luck, four-leaf clover, good luck charm, games, lottery, lepassbonheur."
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